Well 2013 is already here and it has been ages since I posted something. I figure I would post tonight, a night off from running. It has been an interesting first part of 2013 solely based on weather. We received 2 winter storms, one being classified as a blizzard that deposited over 55+ inches of snow one month apart. Just as the storm from February had all but melted away we got crushed with another 29 inches on March 8th, 2013. The trail running has been non existent. I am thankful for two things in the Blue Hills, and those are the two roads they plow. The Observatory Road which we have dubbed the Purgatory Road is usually plowed immediately after a storm and that climbs about 400 feet in .9 miles. The other plowed road is a YMCA road that is about .65 miles long and has a quasi good climb to it but on the inbound and outbound. I have logged many miles on those two roads and have also gained a lot more vertical than years past, which I think is a good thing.
Mileage, fitness, health and everything is up for 2013 which is a good thing. Hopefully once the snow melts and I can get back onto the trails things will get back to normal and normal training routes can be run. Until them its back and forth, back and forth etc etc.
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