Monday, May 28, 2012

Yee-haw at Pinelands

Week of 5/2- - 5/27

Well I will keep this short and say the week was pretty mute because it was the week leading up to Pineland Farms 50 miler, results link here, scroll 3/4 way down.

First off congratulations to Mark "The Big Cat" Blakeley and Christopher "The Wolf" Cappellini.

The Wolf was 4th overall, here he is receiving his age group award, Big Cat was 7th overall. The Wolf would later be found smuggling Muscle Milk out of Maine.

The Wolf receiving his award.

The weekend started with Chris, Mark and I meeting at the Newburyport Park and Ride, it was later discovered about 24 hours later that co-pilot Chris left the sunroof open on the Blakeley-cruiser, no bird shit found on driver or passenger seat.

We arrived at the Econo-insane asylum and started to prepare our meals.  We heated up whole wheat spaghetti, mushroom and peppers for dinner.  We also had a visitor Julia.  Julia was hot, 4 legs, 30lbs of English Bulldog that cleaned up my food that was still on the ground in my plate.  She was also given some spinach and a strawberry and devoured it.

Remainder of night was nothing but ball busting, laughing and watching the Celtics.  We were under a mandatory lights out policy by 7:30pm, until we were visited by Jack Bailey 3rd overall and Ron "Jamison" Farkash.

Sleep was lacking, without mentioning names we had Pee Pee Priscilla getting up to go every hour to go to the bathroom.  Around 2:30am, when PPP was up I asked for a Boost out of the fridge to get some calories going and it was thrown at me, most likely breaking my sternum.  

4:00am the iPhones, watches, Droids and whatever else was set to go off went off.  

I got a slither of bread with a translucent layer of almond butter and banana for breakfast, thanks!

When heading out to load the car up, it was discovered that someone, without mentioned names left the tailgate open on my jeep.  We have a reoccuring theme happening folks.

We left the hotel around 4:45am and arrived at the race at 5am and were registered and ready by 5:20am.  I was very relaxed compared to other races and had no race day nerves.  I took a 10 minute loop run around the Pineland Farms campus to see how my legs were, I was worried because they had been heavy up until Thursday.  When I started the run, I knew they were fully recovered, I just hoped that everything else would stay sound.

The gun went off at 6am and the pace was quick off the bat, there was some chatting with Farkash and Blakeley early.  I was with Blakeley for most of the first 5k, we caught up and were cursing along.  We were playing some leap frog with Farkash as well.  Chris was up front with Jack and was within an eye shot.  After the first 5k loop we started to move apart and Farkash and I ran together playing leap frog for the first 20-22k.  Everything on the first 25k loop was going really well, I thought I took too many calories in the first 25k and backed off a little, I was taking some peanut butter and jelly quarters and s-caps.  I wasn't worried about the s-caps but I was worried the water consumption as it was only 6am and I was not really sweating a lot so I backed off the intake of water and everything was status quo.  After Farkash separated from me I was literally on my own for the rest of the day playing some leap frog with this other guy from Massachusetts.  I was trying to figure out where I was in the overall classification of the 50 milers but could not tell.  When we started I felt I was within the top 20 and did not think many passed me.  During the open fields I could see ahead of me and would see a couple of people.  It wasn't until the 2nd lap about half way through when my friend Ted passed me along with 2 other guys (I never caught Ted, but caught the other two in the last 10k of the race).  I had a really crap 2nd lap, I found out everyone did as well, maybe it was the fact this was my second year, 5th lap of this course in 2 years and I still had one more.  A couple of times I was like why am I here, what is the point, I am not doing this again, type bullshit.  On the 2nd lap all the fruit came out at the aid stations.  I inhaled oranges, s-caps, salty potatoes, water and also took ice to chew on.  The orange slices were excellent.  During the start of the 2nd loop there is the chance to stop at drop bags, which I did for maybe 30-45 seconds and took 2 full hands of mellon.  I did this 5 times total and it really helped.  I only had "one gel" everything else was real food.  The one gel was around 40 miles it was more desperation calories of just trying to get in extra calories to survive the last 10 miles.  It was the last 10k when I felt the calories kick in and my legs still felt good that I dropped it and let it rip.  I was starting to feel the legs on the downhills but I was still able to ascend pretty well on the uphills which surprised me.  I ran 95% of this race.  The one thing that I was able to problem solve was why I felt like such shit on the 2nd lap, I was running a lot harder and just excepted the discomfort for the remainder of the race.  I blew through the last two aid stations and in the process picked off two 50 milers in front of me, one went with me for about 1/2 mile but I opened a gap on the next climb, he started walking and I just kept running.  We entered the last open field and the only people in front of me where the 50k people, I passed 4 of them and had a good 2 minute gap on the next 50 miler behind me.

I crossed the line in 8:09, improvement from last years 9:36, WTF was I doing last year??!!

Anyway, I was happy with performance and really pumped to finish 16th overall.  I even got approval from, The Wolf.

Lessons learned real food it is, water and s-caps, even in the heat it worked and STOP going out too fast.

It is 8 weeks I believe until VT 100 trying not to think about it.   Structurally I am holding up well, maintaining core strength and stretching.  Diet is right on, 140lbs has been ideal race weight.  Leading up to the race during the week I was 138 -140lbs.  Since the race I have not done shit, been wearing compression tights, taking lots of fluids, icing (as recovery), tons of fruit and have been generous with protein intake.

Next up is a Vermont training camp in two weeks with the Cappellini clan and then Silverton, Colorado for more training, vertical and altitude training with Walter.

The beat goes on, yee-haw from Pinelands.


Totals for the week:

66.68 miles of trail running
4600 feet of vertical
8:45:54 time on feet

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The 70's and Owl's Head

Week of 5/14 - 5/20

It is the week before Pineland Farms Trail Festival and the 50 miler I am in and I wanted to really pour it on this week and see how it all plays out for the good or bad, it's still all learning experience.

The week started off really solid had a great run with CC doing the yellow and green dot on Tuesday.  Then Thursday opened up the week with a 22 mile NH Mountain Adventure.  Mutha captures it beautifully here.  We had absolutely beautiful weather for this type of even, trails are still wet but we had a high pressure system over the area with some crystal clear skies.  The agreement was that Mutha, DogMan and I would go all out to the summit of Garfield, I got there in 1:20, Mutha and DogMan arrived shortly there after.  We then started East along the Garfield Ridge Trail to the Franconia Brook Trail which brought us down to 13 falls tent site and really cool crossing of Franconia Brook.  We then continued West along the Lincoln Brook Trail until we got to an opening to begin the Bushwhack up to Owl's Head.  We kept a due South bearing with Garfield on our backs and basically hammered through tangles of branches, trees, downed trees, mud, water and roots.  We wondered around what we thought was the summit the altimeter read 4040 so we thought we might have been on the "old summit" on the Northern aspect of Owl's Head ridge.  We continued to wander around and circled back on the western flank hoping to find the western slide leading up to Owl's Head which didn't happen.  We ended up calling it good enough and Bushwhacked our way back to our entry point for the start of the Bushwhack. We continue back East along the Lincoln Brook Trail and had a great water crossing probably knee deep (2nd time) and then took the Twin Brook Trail to the intersection with the Frost Trail and summited Galehead. The push from the start of the Twin Brook Trail near 13 Falls Tent site was every man for himself and we went really hard.  I pushed hard along the lower half and was able to run some of the flatter sections that had a plateau type feel.  We all met at the Galehead Hut which was open for the season but self service only.

After we got in some calories we started the 5.6 mile ripping descent back to the trailhead.  This was an everyman for himself descent as well.  The trail on the top section is really steep and the footing is not that great around 2800 feet you can start to rip all the way back to the car.  I went all out, had great footing and was able to clip off some really good splits, I hit the Gale River water crossing and just ran straight through it didn't not bother to rock hop any of it.  Once I hit the Gale River Road I pushed hard back to the car.  Data can be found here.  It was a really great day to get out with DogMan and Mutha and push things.  Congrats to DogMan Owl's Head off the list, 5 more to go!!!!

Here are some cool pictures from Mutha.

Hydrating along Lincoln Brook Trail. Picture by Mutha

Bushwhack up towards Owl's Head Summit. Picture by Mutha

Mutha on the summit of Galehead. Picture by Mutha

Totals for the week:

77.10 miles of combined hiking and trail running
11,997 feet of vertical (shit 3 more feet)!!!
17:48:42 time on feet

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting back...

Week of 5-7 - 5-13

Well it was good to be back into a running after a quasi recover weeks after CPTR.

One of the main things I was happy to get back to this week was hill repeats which I missed in the last couple weeks as I was in-between events and preparing for events so I took a side step to hill repeats.  The hill repeat build prior to DRB, did carry me for several weeks but, I wanted to get back them.

I had a solid effort of 4 up and 4 down in rain during the weeks and I returned to the yellow triangle / green dot trail which is part of the DRB course, so was able to add some really good vertical this week for living in the flatland.

This upcoming week I am hoping to get one day up in NH for a really solid effort that incorporates a really whacked out bushwhack up the North face of Owl's head but also has some really good running opportunities of about 8 miles of true mountain running.  Let's just hope the weather holds.  More to come.

Totals for the week:

64.83 trail running miles
6753 feet of vertical
9:06:27 time on feet

***Goal was 70 miles for week didn't really happen, but was happy with output as I thought I had one of my best quality training weeks of the 2012 training year.

***Congratulations to CC for his great performance (victory) at 2012 Greenbelt Trail 50k, 2 consecutive years in a row.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Only 396 to go.....

Week of 4/30 - 5/6

Well this was the week after CPTR and I sort of took a step back to reset somethings, recover and take a quasi mental break.  I veryday except after CPTR except Sunday which was a travel day and used Saturday 5/5/2012 as a alternative to my long run and did a long hike with MuthaZ and DogMan, Garfield and Lafayette, which bring me to my 396 to go.  Lafayette was Grid peak 180 so I "only" have 396 to go.  I figured since 2006 I have 180 Grid Peaks complete so maybe at the current pace by 2018 I will have 360 complete.  I think next year will be more dedicated to Grid Peaks as we look at competing in the San Juan Solstice.

The week was not very eventful running wise but was a good reset, exactly what I needed.

Looking ahead we have Pineland Farms 50 miler May 27th which I am hoping on significant improvement from last year.

Good Luck to CC this weekend, I know he will be setting the course on fire.

Totals for the week:

50.97 miles of trail running and hiking
6,351 feet of vert
12:16:14 time on feet