Besides not getting to NH this week to get some vertical it was a good running week wise. I did a lot of message therapy to the shin, worked out twice and did a ton of stretching. I think I am going to get an x-ray and talk to my doctor tomorrow to rule out stress fracture, ugh, can't even think of that. On Saturday had a solid 14 mile run and it did not bother me, today (Sunday) during a short 6.5 mile run it was bothersome but not inhibitting.
Anyway, this week coming up looks to be great fun in NH. The plan is to be hiking for 3 days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The forecast is calling for some snow showers and avalanche conditions are not looking all the great right now for Right Gully, but, it is WAY too early. The northeast particularly in the ravines have been getting really light density snow so snow loading/windslap snow is the main issue. Unusual to have the light density stuff in the Northeast, but at this point it is better than nothing.
So other than that it was a quiet week. Also February, geesh, where did the time go?
Totals for the week:
32 miles of ALL running
3724 feet of vertical