Sunday, September 23, 2012

From Tripyramids to Trenches

Week of 9/17 - 9/23

As we close out the this week which is 2 weeks before Grindstone, we reflect on a great past weekend. We had a Wolf Pack Weekend in NH at "The Wolf Den".  I was so happy to get my invite from AM to attend this weekend.

I took off on Friday (day off from work) and headed up to NH to tag Owl's Head which was a really great run.  There were two major water crossing of branches of the Lincoln Brook.  In spots or based on the line I took the water was nut sack high and moving enough to move you if you took an unbalanced step.  I had to cross those points twice.  There were several other minor stream crossings but enough to keep your shoes and socks wet all day.  I took only a handheld for this 18ish mile day, I originally thought 13 o'well.  I did good with only a handheld but was definitely getting hungry went I hit the Franconia Brook trail on the way out.  Backing up a little the slide up Owl's Head was per the usually crappy, lose stuff, wet stuff and just steep.  I sort of just walked around for a little up top and said screw close enough to this stupid summit and bombed back out.

Friday nights dinner was spectacular, for some, one other was left to fend for himself at either Subway, Burger Joint or Golden Arches or all three.  It was a lengthy "dinner run" which leaves things in question.  Saturday was the Tri's via Sabbaday Brook Trail to Livermore to Greeley Ponds, to Flume Connector back to Livermore and out via a two car set up along the Kanc.  AM and MB were in attendance for this event.  Irene's damages are still seen as the Sabbaday Brook trail about 1-2 miles in is pretty much blown out were you need to cross the stream.  If not completely hockey rink frozen in the winter this would really suck.  I took only a handheld for this 17 mile day as well and utilized all the river water for refills.  The river crossings, steams crossings played the same tune as they did for Owl's Head wet feet all day.  We had a great viewing of a 1800lbs Bull Moose coming off of South Peak.  MB missed the photo opportunity but learned how to set the timer on his camera.  AM was his normal self - quiet, talkative, miserable, quiet, talkative and then normal and happy to push 5k pace on the exit.  He won a pair of MH winter momentum gloves in a river crossing bet.  I bet he wouldn't go over waist deep during a crossing and he did for a free pair of gloves.

After dinner at Common Man we hit the "trenches" to eradicate a varmint that had plagued the crawl space at "The Wolf Den".  AM was in his "work" uniform, why he would even put this on knowing it would end up on the blog I have no clue, see below.  We cleaned out all the pinecones that the varmint left, I vacuumed everything down and MB took the role of supervisor. We chicken wired a big section measuring 25 inches to stop the entry point into the crawl space.  It is still TBD how the varmint is getting to that point from the outside.

AM wearing his Mickey sweatshirt
Prior to varmint eradication we each had some ice cream from Ben and Jerry's some took it too far and took down the entire 1120 calories, will not mention any names.


All in all a great weekend.  For those "members" of "The Wolf Pack" that did not attend some questioned commitment to "The Pack".

2 weeks until AM and I depart for Grindstone 100 down in Swoope, VA.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Denver to Durango and Inbetween

After the departure of my good friends MB and CC from Frisco I was on my own 3.5 days to play on some of Colorado's 14ers.  I had alot to choose from but kind of defined my area to be 14ers in the Leadville / Breckendridge area and see where I would get a better weather forecast.

I decided on Monday I would head toward Kite Lake, home of Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln and Bross.

Prior to heading to Kite Lake I hit up the Gold Hill section of the Colorado Trail for 6 miles which was perfect single track and most of the run was about 10k feet.  After the run I drove down to Alma and then took the CR to Kite Lake.  It was a rocky drive down to Kite Lake but made it there and set up home base.  I started to cook some dinner as winds and temperatures took a dive.  It was a beautiful night, stars were out and the summits were illuminated by the setting sun.  Tuesday I had an early start hitting all 4 and then bombing down a talus field off of Bross, which was super fast.

After hanging out for a couple of hours and doing some Lake / Stream soaking I headed back to Breckenridge for another run on Gold Hill and then got more supplies and set up camp at the TH for Quandary Peak.  Quandary Peak was straight forward round trip was 2:30, weather was starting to roll in so I didn't stick around long on the summits.  After Quandary I headed up to Mohawk Lakes to check out the scene of some high alpine lakes.

Around 2pm on Wednesday rain moved in and that was about it for fun in the high mountains.  I headed back to Frisco to check into a hotel and organize my supplies and get ready for the trip to Denver to hook up with Tom, Wildman, Maddog and G$ for the Chicago Basin Trip.

The drive from Denver to Durango is a long one, but some nice sightseeing along Colorado Springs and through some great southwestern towns in Colorado. Hotel scam was nice, but a scam, that story is to be continued.  As of right now my AMEX payments are suspended and AMEX is investigating their practive of NOT accepting the Marriot Rewards points.  If you are reading this, NEVER stay in the Residence Inn Marriot in Durango, CO.

The trip into the TH for Chicago Basin is approached by the Durango Silverton Single Gauge Steam Train.  It was a great trip with some beautiful views of the mountains and Animas River.

We arrived at the TH around noon time and took down left over pizza from the night before.  Wildman and I broke from the group and scouted out a high base camp and decided a spot around 11,200 feet.  Excellent spot for the guys to acclimate.  We planned on a one day acclimitization day but with the high mountain weather we ended up pushing for Sunlight and Windom the next day.  The group was highligh impressive as everyone pushed through some altitude fatigue and we were able to summit both Sunlight and Windom without any issues.

We had traditional afternoon and evening showers at night, but had zero impact on our planned summit attempts.

After a restful night we rose early to attack Eolus and North Eolus.  The catwalk presented zero obstacles and some of the class 2 and 3 scrambles were not a problem.  For a bunch of guys from the East coast guys we get things done in the higher mountains in Colorado.

The last day which was built in for bad weather we ventured up to Columbine Pass and MadDog and I took a flyer out to Trimble Pass and back to Columbine.  I took 20 minute descent off of Columbine back to base camp and used it as a quasi training day for the legs.

G$ - The founding father of the trip out West.  You have guided me over the years not only in outdoor knowledge but in personality, basecamp and expedition planning.  I am still rough on the edges but you continue to polish the stone.

Wildman - I don't think I have been on a trip out West without you.  2 Gannett and 1 Chicago Basin.  I continue to watch and learn with your comfort of being in the outdoors and the little tricks of the trade that I see you do.  You keep things low key and achievable throughout the trips.

MadDog - It was good to have you back in the mix of the Western endeavours.  You always have a pulse of what is going on, except with your thermo regulation.  You bring laughter to all situations and I will always remember, "the path will reveal itself".  Thanks for the trail spotting on Eolus and being my "governor" on when to go green light, yellow light or red light.

Tom - You have taught me patience over the years from the K1, K2 and K3 expeditions.  You have endless knowledge of the outdoors and are never frazzled despite the situation blowing snow or "leaps of faith". You keep the base camp environment positive and upbeat and always have a good story to tell around the dinner table.

The Basin will live on, we thought of everyone that did not attend, Mutha the mountain goats, PM the high alpine lakes and fishing and DogMan the industrial revolution and the destorying of canyons for the train from Durango to Silverton.

Here is a link to the pictures from the Colorado and Chicago Basin trip

Leadville Trail 100

I would like to congratulate Chris Cappellini on his success at the Leadville Trail 100.  I had the distinct honor of being assigned Chief of Crewing and dealing with the ups and downs of his majesty.

I didn't take any bullshit and handed out as much as I could including urinating in his handheld, MB's idea, not mine.

I have attached a limited edition set of pictures here which can be purchased and personally signed by AM himself.  You will probably get a "Best Wishes, GFY" but that is meaningful, trust me.

Highlights included:

1. The pickup at airport with fruit and Vita One
2. The flat tire in Iowa Gulch
3. The Frisco Condo
4. My bunk mate, MB
5. Being abandoned with an Apple and Poland Springs water bottle
6. Bottle Pissing before the start of Leadville Trail 100
7. The personality of one, while entering and leaving the aid stations.
8. Getting lost in an aid station.
9. Winfield
10. Halfmoon
11. Freezing to death at MayQueen and Finish
12. Coming through with Vita One
13. Being accused of directing one runner and one pacer the wrong way out of the tent at MayQueen.
14. Seeing pork chop gain one pound after the race, "Keep Eating".

Special congratulations to my friend Walter who finished his first 100 mile race at Leadville, never gave up and never quit.  Spartan effort!

Back to the Mountains

I was able to get back to the mountains after the VT 100.  I took a solid week off then started to do some flat running again and decided that I would give the Franconia Ridge Speed Loop a crack, which was 3 weeks after VT 100.  The conditions were not ideal as there was some rain from the night before, humidity was super high and things were slick.  I stayed over at Casa de Cappellini the night before, thank you again for the hospitality.

I met MadDog and Mutha in the parking lot and it was more of a greet and split.  I have done this loop many times and know it quite well.  In my head I wanted to go under 2:30, I was not sure how my legs would react 3 weeks after VT 100.

I know that the ascent up Falling Waters really does suck and with things being wet the footing with the rocks and roots would not be that great.

Once on Haystack the route is straight forward to Lafayette and the descent off Lafayette above treeline has alot of rock. 

Once below treeline on OBP the top section has alot of rock crops and things can be crowded with people ascending.  The rocks were definitely an issue as I did not have good grip on the open rock crops.  Once below the sisters I was able to open it up more.

Here is a link to my time, I think I could bite another 5 minutes off this time in the future with more rest.

Aftermath of this was manual labor and a wrestling match with a toilet at Casa de Cappellini.